The following documents, guidelines and forms are available for download in *.pdf and/or *.doc format:
CELL Program
Agreement between graduate student and research supervisor Must be signed by prospective student and Research Supervisor and sent to the CELL Program Coordinator. The CELL Program will not recommend a student’s admission to graduate studies at UBC in the absence of the signed form. Following admission, the Agreement should be reviewed annually.
Advisory Committee Meeting report form. After your Advisory Committee has met for the first time (within six months of your admission), the Committee must meet at least once every 12 months to review your progress and provide guidance for future work. After each Advisory Committee meeting, you must send this report to the CELL Program Coordinator.
Guidelines and forms for the Final Master’s research thesis defense.
Guidelines and forms for the Comprehensive Examination (Ph.D. candidates only). Students should also download the G+PS Advancement to Candidacy form and bring a printed copy to the examination.
PhD thesis approval form. This form needs to be signed by all Advisory Committee members (including the Research Supervisor) and sent to the CELL Program Coordinator before the thesis can be sent by G+PS to the External Examiner.
Supervisor on Leave form. Supervisors on a sabbatical away from the University or other leave need to provide details of the arrangements that have been made to ensure adequate supervision of a graduate student for the duration of the leave.
Application for faculty membership of the CELL Graduate Program. How to apply for faculty membership of the CELL Program.
Faculty of Medicine
Listing of Resources. Faculty of Medicine listing of resources available to graduate students. Additional resources are available from G+PS (see below).
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Forms (additional G+PS forms can be found here)
Annual Progress Report for Fellowship Holders
Transfer from Master’s to Doctoral Program. Transfer must be completed before end of second year in M.Sc. program.
Recommendation for Advancement to Candidacy
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material in a Thesis. Use this form to obtain permission to use material your thesis that is copyrighted to another.
Graduate Program Approval of Doctoral Dissertation for External Examination form. This form must be completed and submitted to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies before the Final Doctoral Examination can begin
Thesis Submission Cover Sheet. Students must complete this form and submit it to G+PS with their final, post-defense thesis.
Request for Delay in Publication of Thesis. Students must complete this form and obtain the approval signatures of their supervisor and the graduate program advisor.
Graduate Student Travel Fund application
Western Deans’ Agreement. Form required to register for an elective course at another university. Requires CELL Program, G+PS and host institution approvals.
The Grad Guide. Information about support services available to graduate students at UBC. It covers registration, finances, housing, grad student rights and responsibilities, medical and dental plans, and much more. Particularly useful for new students.
Handbook of Graduate Supervision. Useful information for all students and faculty, including in-depth advice on roles and responsibilities, conflict resolution, time management, etc.
Graduate Student / Supervisor Expectations. As stated – excerpted from the Handbook of Graduate Supervision.
Resources for Graduate Student Career Development. G+PS listing of e-resources available to graduate students.
G+PS Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS). A program of non-credit workshops, seminars and other activities designed to complement graduate programs’ academic curriculum and mentorship experience. Offerings cover a wide range of personal and professional development topics to support you throughout your time in graduate school and to allow you to develop some of the skills and competencies needed to thrive as professionals and to make meaningful contributions to society.
Other forms
Policy 85. Scholarly Integrity.